SMO/GP Insurance

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RMO Renewal Image
$695.00 - $4,378.00
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Further Information

As a Senior Medical Officer or GP, you face many new and changing risks in your everyday activities. With the introduction of the Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Act 1992 and the Privacy Act 1993 coupled with recent changes to the public health system, mental health and other legislation, you need to ensure that you are FULLY protected. Ask yourself:

  • Will your current arrangements provide independent and competent legal assistance when necessary?
  • Are you going to be reimbursed for your out-of-pocket expenses and lost earnings when attending proceedings?
  • Do you have a legally enforceable contract of insurance which spells out the level and extent of protection that you have paid for?

The New Zealand Medical Indemnity Insurance’s Policy is a legally binding contract of insurance which provides medical professionals with comprehensive insurance protection. The policy provides the following cover:

1. Medical Malpractice Indemnity

This will cover any costs or damages awarded against you in medical malpractice/negligence claims as well as paying for legal and other defence costs, whether the case against you is successful or not.

2. Legal and Disciplinary Defence

This will cover legal costs and expenses incurred in the defence of any action or enquiry brought against you such as medical discipline hearings, Committees of Enquiry, Court Martial, ACC Enquiries, Privacy Complaints Tribunal, Coroners’ Courts and the like.

3. Loss of Earning

This will provide a payment of up to $1000 per day or part day (or subject to a maximum of $15,000) where you are required to attend any action or enquiry brought against you and where you have suffered loss of earnings as a result of such attendance.

How much cover do you get?

The insurance will pay up to $4,000,000 per annum under the Medical Malpractice Indemnity and Legal and Disciplinary Defence Costs sections of the cover, subject to a limit of $2,000,000 per incident. Included is cover for up to $250,000 in respect of punitive and exemplary damage claims.

The insurance will also help pay up to $20,000 per annum under the Expenses Reimbursement section of the cover.

What about your past activities?

Apart from current or pending claims or complaints against you, the policy will respond to any claims arising from medical duties or functions performed by you prior to you taking the insurance cover.